Keep Your Bitcoin Safe with a Hardware Wallet | Stadicus

The collapse of the crypto exchanges FTX and Celsius bring self-custody front and center again. For Stadicus (@stadicus3000), keeping cryptocurrency safe is his bread and butter. He is the Co-founder of Shift Crypto, the makers of the popular BitBox hardware wallet.

Bitbox02 Hardware Wallet with USBC
In this episode, we revisit the basics of self-custody and how to keep your crypto safe.

Not your Keys, Not your Coins

Stadicus is also a passionate Bitcoiner who represents the values and ideology of the early crypto OGs. Bitcoin is a topic that I haven't covered much on the podcast. I used this opportunity to discuss some of the common criticisms of Bitcoin: We talk about Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake and where Stadicus sees the promises and strengths of Bitcoin going forward.

Drake showing off an iced-out hardware wallet on Instagram.

We have recorded this conversation before the FTX collapse, and I think you will find that the crypto mantras of "Not your keys, not your coins" and "Don't trust, verify" have never rung truer, as some of us have experienced during the last weeks.

Search volume for "Hardware Wallet" at all time highs after FTX collapse. Not the ATH we wanted, but the one we deserved.